Helping clients rediscover possibility

About Quiddity


[kwid-i-tee] /'kwiditi/ noun (pl) -ties

(philosophy) the essential nature of something

As the meaning behind our name suggests, we can only help our clients achieve greater success when we really understand them. And by them we mean both the organisation and the people charged with running it. We also immerse ourselves in their industry landscape, review the organisational structure and get to understand how the leaders prefer to work. We’re then able to establish a fixed setting on where the organisation is headed and how we’re going to get there.

Our approach redefines the internal finance team function and turns it into a potent commercial weapon. We bring a blend of considered strategic counsel, smart leveraging of technology and industry insights that look round corners. Businesses spend a great deal of time worrying about the external; their competition, industry disruption, changing regulations and increasingly demanding customers. That’s not wrong, but we believe the biggest threat to future growth and success often comes from ineffective internal processes.

How we help our clients

  • Better results

    Creating external growth through reinvention of internal resources.

  • Less pressure

    Getting there without increasing effort and stress levels – quite the opposite in fact.

  • More time

    Achieving success in smarter ways creates more time for future planning.

"Their analytical skills and financial model build talent were essential for this process"

Go-To skincare recently engaged the Quiddity team to assist with a detailed budget build leading to an IM construction for a partial divestment transaction. Quiddity were super efficient throughout the project and pulled off an incredible amount of work given the tight timelines with this project. Their analytical skills and financial model build talent were essential for this process given the speed that was required. I can thoroughly recommend Quiddity for any similar process such as this.
– Brad Dransfield CEO Go-To Skincare